BTB Web-Based Operations Logbook

As a plant operator, your interests lie in optimizing work processes and using saving potential effectively. This can be achieved by keeping a database-supported, web-based operating logbook.

In the operations logbook BTB relevant data and malfunctions are documented, recorded and transparently shown so that preventable causes are identified and can be excluded. HAUK & SASKO’s operations logbook supports the operations team in the efficient handling of the system.

Modern web technology 

Modern web technology offers the familiar ease of a web application such as:

- A desktop interface with partial   applications
- Proposal lists (AutoSuggest) for input fields
- Flexible and customizable search   interfaces
- Selection dialogues with its own   search function
- Columns that may be adapted or   hidden
- Multiple sorting in list views
- Filter and sorting functions that   can be switched on or off using a   convenient selection dialogue

Benefits of the web-based BTB

In a web-based system

- it is possible to access our   operations log just like a web   page,
- no separate BTB-specific client is   needed and thus no additional   user licenses are necessary,
- no updates from clients and   therefore no associated   administration efforts necessary,
- it is possible to bookmark,   storing all settings from “find” to   “show”. These bookmarks can be   sent quickly and easily as e-mails   to inform colleagues of system   states or to store reretrievable   individual views, searches, or   entry dialogues,
- the backward – and forward   navigation as it is known in   browsers is also possible in BTB.

Data consistency and data security 

Data consistency and data security that is achieved additionally by:

- The role membership, the access   control rights for roles such as   operations manager, shift   manager, shift workers and   maintenance staff
- The action log, which records   “who has done what?”
- Check sums which prevents   manipulation in all individual   entries in the BTB
- The business logic that validates   the entries (e.g., the sequence of   “start” “synchronous”, “stop”)

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